Building a home is a complex process; your mortgage shouldn't be.

Before deciding on a brand new home, let a Mortgage Centre specialist help you understand the special terms and considerations in construction mortgages, also known as self-build mortgages.

Our mortgage specialists can help you decide which option best suits your particular situation.

Broker Advantage

Whether you are first-time buyer or an experienced buyer with excellent credit, The Mortgage Centre has access to the very best products and rates available across Canada. Give us a call… we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

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Why Us?

Through training and certification, we have a good understanding of available products, features, and rates. We are here to keep your mortgage moving forward with our Mortgage Market technology, we have electronic access to various major lenders in Canada, so you’re not tied to one lender or one type of mortgage.

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Useful Tools

We understand that mortgages can be confusing and intimidating. To help demystify the process, The Mortgage Centre provides a glossary and a variety of free calculators to assist you in researching, and planning your mortgage.

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